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Breaking news: Brexit Countdown and registration certificate

Brexit Countdown and Registration Certificate

British nationals who reside in Spain can still have the chance to obtain the registration certificates as members of EU citizens before 31 October.

Breaking news: Brexit Countdown and registration certificate

Today the UK Primer Minister and Brussels approved the deal for UK leaving from the UE.  The deal will be taken to the UK Parliament on the so called “Super Saturday” October 19th for approval o rejection. If approved, Brexit will happen on the 31st October in case that the 27 EU country members do not oppose.

British nationals who reside in Spain can still have the chance to obtain the registration certificates as members of EU citizens before 31 October 2019. This registration certificates (NIE) are valid documents to prove legal residence in Spain before UK withdrawal.

After 31 October 2019 and during the transitional period, British citizens and their families residing) will be beneficiary of the rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

If you are a British citizen or are a third-country national, family member of a British citizen, who arrives in Spain during the transitional period: you will be issued directly for the uniformly formatted document (TIE) in which it is recorded that it has been issued from pursuant to the Withdrawal Agreement.

From GD Global Mobility we strongly recommend to obtain the registration as EU national before October 31st to benefit from the rights as EU matinal before the UK leave the European Union definitely.

As of today, available appointments for the registration as EU national for British next week take place in Madrid, Tarragona, Marbella y Málaga whereas none in Valencia, Barcelona y Alicante.


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